Keterangan :
GBH S -100 Simple Use Documentation
¶ To charge the battery
When the battery is fully charged after the first use, use
¶ headset on / Off
On: multifunction button until the blue indicator light flashes, please.
( After the first turn on the power of the headset will automatically register the standby state)
Off: multifunction button until the blue and red lights blink, please.
( Fold the state can only Off)
¶ Register on the cell phone headset ( for pairing)
1. GBH S100 Bluetooth headset to pairing mode settings
( If you register after the first)
4 Fold in the headset multifunction button, press the power is turned on in seconds
Automatically register the standby status ( the status light blue) is.
( Back to registration, and other devices to register)
Fold to make sure the headset is off about 8 seconds, press the multifunction button
The status of the blue light when the headset is the registration waiting state.
2. From your mobile phone to enter pairing mode
a to activate the Bluetooth function
To search for the headset.
( Bluetooth headset, how to search
Using the phone See Now)
b from the list of detected devices, " Mobi Fren GBH-S100" , select
c password on your mobile phone
( PIN Code) 0000 and Enter
d the registration is complete, the phone
On the screen that indicates the headset connection Appears.
( Blue light of the headset Is flashing 10 times)
-The registration process on your
cell phone headset may vary, depending. ( See Using a cell phone) , Easy to use, explained the west side
¶ calling
Fold in the City Bar calls
- Get the phone will change automatically.
( Smart Connection â„¢ )
- When the state is switching to the Fold
Multifunction button, the phone is trying to get.
¶ Auto-lock feature
Does not intend to take to prevent the phone, the headset if the state Bar
Multifunction button will automatically lock.
¶ seconds Using sleep mode