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KRUSHERS SAFETY SHOES[25 Oct. 2010, 17:36:53]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
The Krusher Advantage

Krushers have been designed to provide you cost-effective safety footwear that will last through rugged conditions.
All footwear comes with:
# Long wearing Thermo Plastic Urethane ( TPU) outsole heat resistant to 130º C/ 266º F
# Anti Static* soling
# Six month Manufacturer� s Warranty
# 12 month Sole Guarantee
# Exceed or meet Australian/ NZ and American safety footwear standards

Long wearing TPU Soling Technology

Krushers� s Thermo Plastic Urethane ( TPU) outsoles offer many benefits over traditional soling materials.
Check out these benefits and see why Krushers gives you great value for money:

� Long wearing, high quality, abrasion resistant soling.
� Tough. Resists splitting and cracking with eight times the crack resistance of Polyurethane ( PU) and Rubber.
� Longer shelf life than PU.
� Hydrolysis and Microbial resistant.
� Light weight. Lighter than rubber.
� Oil, acid and chemical resistant.
� Colourfast. Will not mark floors.
� Lasts longer. Is more cost effective compared to traditional soling material.

* Anti Static Information
All Krushers footwear is Anti Static and meets Australian/ New Zealand AS/ NZS 2210.3/ 2210.4
Classification � A� footwear standards.
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