These end mills are furnished as regular with right-hand cutting and right-hand helical flutes. These are designed for slotting, drilling, pocketing and general-purpose operation. Special Price......
Kami merupakan Distributor dan pemegang keagenan Cutting Tools, Batu Gerinda dan Oli resmi di Indonesia. Khususnya di wilayah Surabaya, Jawa Timur Bali, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Perusahaan kami....
Mounted Point merek Pro-Tech for deburring, sharpening and internal grinding Tersedia berbagai type dan ukuran. .. ..
Mesin Tap..! ! For using multi-purpose, and correct thread profiles & long tool life due to special tap geometry. YG-1 company has a patent for: Steel, Stanless steel, carbon steel, cast iron, ....